
Annual Report and Accounts 2010

Notes to the consolidated financial statements

< Previous 13. Deferred income tax
Next > 15. Other financial assets

14. Classification of financial instruments

The accounting classification of each class of the Group’s financial assets and financial liabilities, together with their fair values, is as follows:

All figures in £ millions Notes 2010
Fair value Amortised cost Total carrying value Total market value
Available for sale Derivatives deemed held for trading Derivatives in hedging relationships Other liabilities Loans and receivables Other liabilities
Investments in unlisted securities 15 58 58 58
Cash and cash equivalents 17 1,736 1,736 1,736
Marketable securities 12 12 12
Derivative financial instruments 16 28 112 140 140
Trade receivables 22 1,031 1,031 1,031
Total financial assets 70 28 112 2,767 2,977 2,977
Derivative financial instruments 16 (6) (6) (6)
Trade payables 24 (470) (470) (470)
Other financial liabilities – put option over non-controlling interest 24 (25) (25) (25)
Bank loans and overdrafts 18 (73) (73) (73)
Borrowings due within one year 18 (331) (331) (333)
Borrowings due after more than one year 18 (1,908) (1,908) (1,939)
Total financial liabilities (6) (25) (2,782) (2,813) (2,846)
All figures in £ millions Notes 2009
Fair value Amortised cost Total carrying value Total market value
Available for sale Derivatives deemed held for trading Derivatives in hedging relationships Other liabilities Loans and receivables Other liabilities
Investments in unlisted securities 15 62 62 62
Cash and cash equivalents 17 750 750 750
Marketable securities 63 63 63
Derivative financial instruments 16 42 70 112 112
Trade receivables 22 989 989 989
Total financial assets 125 42 70 1,739 1,976 1,976
Derivative financial instruments 16 (9) (9) (9)
Trade payables 24 (461) (461) (461)
Other financial liabilities – put option over non-controlling interest 24 (23) (23) (23)
Bank loans and overdrafts 18 (70) (70) (70)
Borrowings due within one year 18 (4) (4) (4)
Borrowings due after more than one year 18 (1,934) (1,934) (1,969)
Total financial liabilities (9) (23) (2,469) (2,501) (2,536)

Certain of the Group’s derivative financial instruments are classified as held for trading either as they do not meet the hedge accounting criteria specified in IAS 39 ‘Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement’ or the Group has chosen not to seek hedge accounting for these instruments. None of these derivatives are held for speculative trading purposes. Transactions in derivative financial instruments are only undertaken to manage risks arising from underlying business activity, in accordance with the Group’s treasury policy as described in note 19.

The Group designates certain qualifying derivative financial instruments as hedges of the fair value of its bonds (fair value hedges). Changes in the fair value of these derivative financial instruments are recorded in the income statement, together with any change in the fair value of the hedged liability attributable to the hedged risk.

The Group also designates certain of its borrowings and derivative financial instruments as hedges of its investments in foreign operations (net investment hedges). Movements in the fair value of these financial instruments (to the extent they are effective) are recognised in other comprehensive income.

None of the Group’s financial assets or liabilities are designated at fair value through the income statement upon initial recognition.

More detail on the Group’s accounting for financial instruments is included in the Group’s accounting policies. The Group’s approach to managing risks in relation to financial instruments is described in note 19.