A particular focus for us is climate change, as one of the most
serious issues facing the planet. Minimising our own environmental
impact is not only the right thing to do; it is fundamental to our
future as a sustainable business.
- Our climate neutral commitment has helped us to achieve three times
the level of carbon reduction we were previously reporting. It has also
helped us do new things, such as to start to invest in renewable energy
generation – both wind and solar – at our sites.
- Pearson was named as a 2010 Green Power Leadership Award winner by
the US Environmental Protection Agency. We offset 100% of the energy we
use in North America by purchasing wind power credits.
- Pearson businesses in the UK achieved Carbon Trust Standard
accreditation, which recognises organisations for real carbon reduction.
- Work started on our second solar energy project at our Distribution
Centre in New Jersey. It is among the largest company-owned single roof
solar installations in the world.
- We established the Pearson/FT Rainforest in Costa Rica to offset emissions we could not eliminate through other means.
- CO2 emissions relating to our US Sales car fleet were reduced by 20%
since 2007 by moving to more efficient vehicles and introducing over
200 hybrids.
- Penguin was recognised in the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC)
Global Partner Awards for outstanding achievement in promoting the FSC
brand worldwide.
- The Financial Times has reduced the volume of newsprint it uses by
25% over the past two years, primarily by reducing the base weight of
paper used.
- As part of a three-year environmental plan, the production
department of Pearson International surveyed all printers and binders
whose turnover with Pearson exceeded £100k.
Highlights in 2010 include:
- The Pearson Foundation launched The Million Voice project to improve
education by listening to students. With the support of thousands of
schools and communities from across the US, the project aims to capture
the perspectives of one million students in grades 6–12.
- Pearson continued with its programme of Student Advisory Boards in
the US and the UK. Members of the Boards provide input to Pearson in
return for mentoring and internships.
- Pearson hosted a debate on what represents good corporate
citizenship in a 21st century media organisation. The event was run in
partnership with JustMeans, the online social media platform, and made
available to its 70,000 members.
- Our first site in the UK has been accredited against ISO 18001,
the international health and safety management standard.
- Pearson was again named joint winner of the FTSE Executive Women Award by Opportunity Now.
- Pearson in the US was named one of the top 100 employers by Working
Mother magazine and by The Human Rights Campaign, which campaigns for
equal rights for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender citizens.
- The Financial Times seasonal appeal raised $1.6 million on behalf of
Action Against Hunger/ACF International, to help fight child
malnutrition and its causes.
- Pearson VUE helped to bring over 550 Insurance Jobs to Twin Falls,
Idaho. To secure the jobs, Pearson VUE helped to deliver nearly 900
insurance licensure exams and follow up background checks in less than
30 days.
- Penguin Group held its second global walk involving more than 1,000
employees. Walkers raised funds for a national charity of their choice
including the Nature Conservancy’s Plant a Billion Trees campaign in the
US and Save the Kiwi in New Zealand.
- A new partnership between the Global Fund and Penguin saw 50% of the
profits from the new (Penguin Classics)RED series go towards the fight
to eliminate AIDS in Africa.